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How to look great with braces

We all want to look good and elegant, but it is possible that the braces produce shame. However, you should not let them change the image you have of yourself! When they finish doing their work, you will never regret having them. Follow the steps below to know how to look good and be safe while using braces.

Accept the brackets. Having braces is wonderful, not because of their appearance or the way they feel, but because of the results they produce. In addition, having them shows that you care about your appearance and that you try to improve it. Remember that at the end of the treatment, you will have a perfect smile. If you want to make you smile perfect visit here Align beauty Orthodontics.

Choose a color that is not very striking. If the brackets are traditional, think about the colors of the elastic bands that you will choose. Avoid bright colors such as orange, green, yellow, red, blue, violet, etc. These colors usually draw more attention. You should also avoid transparent gums because they tend to stain. You can use black, gray and silver. These colors are not very visible and do not stain very easily.

Try different colors. After a while, you will know which ones favor you the most.
If you choose two colors or more, you must make sure that they belong to the same family (warm or cold) and that they do not clash.
You can request another style of brackets. If you do not like the traditional ones that have placed you, consult the orthodontist about the other types. Some options are the following:
Ceramic brackets: They have the same size as the traditional ones, but their color is similar to that of the teeth.

Lingual brackets: They are placed on the inside of the teeth, so they are not visible. You should bear in mind that they are usually more uncomfortable at the beginning and can cause more pain.
Envisaging: These are not braces, but custom-made dental protectors to align the teeth for a period of two years or more. They do not work to treat serious dental problems.
Put aside shyness! Keep smiling and keep your head up. A friendly face and a positive attitude will have a much greater effect on your appearance than the brackets could cause. Be yourself; that is what really matters.

Do not talk between your teeth or try to keep your mouth closed. It is possible that people misunderstand you and think that you are shy or that you do not want to talk to them.
Have a routine of oral care. Having braces is not just having something in your mouth to straighten your teeth. It implies practicing the care of them. If you maintain oral hygiene, the brackets will cause a much more positive effect on your appearance at the end.

Brush your teeth twice a day at least. Brush always in the morning and at night. It is very important that you remove all food particles that have been trapped in the teeth by the presence of the brackets. To keep your mouth cleaner, you can use an electric toothbrush, mouthwash and dental floss.

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